Enhancing the Wireless Sensor network life time using selection of nodes


  • Shakshi Research Scholar, Department of ECE, IIET


Clustering, Genetic, Energy conservation, Protocol, algorithm


Clustering the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is the major issue which determines the lifetime of the network. The parameters chosen for clustering should be appropriate to form the clusters according to the need of applications. Some of well-known clustering techniques in WSN are designed only to reduce overall energy consumption in the network and increase the network lifetime. These algorithms achieve increased lifetime, but at the cost of overloading individual sensor nodes. Load balancing among the nodes in the network is also equally important in achieving increased lifetime. First Node Die (HND), and Last Node Die (LND) are the different metrics for analysing lifetime of network. In this paper, a new clustering algorithm, Genetic Algorithm based energy efficient Clustering Hierarchy (GAECH) algorithm is proposed to increase FND, HND, and LND with a novel fitness function. The fitness function in GAECH forms well-balanced clusters considering the core parameter of a cluster, which again increases both the stability period and lifetime of the network. The experimental results also clearly indicate better performance of GAECH over other algorithms in all the necessary aspects.
Keywords--- Clustering, LEACH, WSN, Genetic, Protocol, Energy conservation, CBCR


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How to Cite

Shakshi. (2017). Enhancing the Wireless Sensor network life time using selection of nodes. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 8(7), 91–99. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1166



Original Research Article