Study of pavement failure, their possible cause and Factors affecting the performance of a pavement


  • Shankar Raj Lohani Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engg , CBS Group of Institution
  • Ajit Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engg , CBS Group of Institution


Overlay Design, Existing Pavement Layer Analysis, Flexible Pavement


Pavement is the durable surface material laid down on an area intended to sustain vehicular or foot traffic, such as a road or walkway. In the past, gravel road surfaces, cobblestone and granite sets were extensively used, but these surfaces have mostly been replaced by asphalt or concrete laid on a compacted base course. Road surfaces are frequently marked to guide traffic. Existing Pavement after course of time and due to movement of traffic over it, the life of pavement cease and required reconstruction of road completely and new layers are to be provided. Reconstruction works is costly and time consuming. Traffic plying on existing road is to be diverted or numbers of diversion road is to be constructed during reconstruction activity. To avoid this situation, overlay is best solution which will increase life of pavement, cost and time saving. Requirement of Overlay thickness is essentially depends upon characteristic of existing pavement layers. Index used to ascertain characteristics of existing pavement layers is deflection under defined loading (through wheel load) and rebound in original position after release of loads which is terms as characteristic deflection. In India.
The satisfactory performance of the pavement will result in higher savings in terms of vehicle operating costs and travel time, which has a bearing on the overall economic feasibility of the project. This paper discusses about the design methods that are traditionally being followed and examines the “Study on strengthening and rehabilitaiton of flexible pavement with overlay using fwd test vs. Reconstruciton”.


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How to Cite

Shankar Raj Lohani, & Ajit Singh. (2017). Study of pavement failure, their possible cause and Factors affecting the performance of a pavement. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 8(7), 1–10. Retrieved from



Original Research Article