A Review work for study of Labour Friendly Human Resources Management System and Factors Affecting on Labour Productivity in Construction Company
Construction Industry, Labour Productivity, Literature reviews QuestionerAbstract
Construction industry is one of the largest industries in the world. In all the developing and developed countries, construction sector has an important role. Human resources represent the massive majority of costs on most of the projects and therefore the industry employs a particularly diverse range of individuals from a good range of occupational cultures and backgrounds, including people in unskilled, craft, managerial, professional and administrative positions. Labour friendly HRM is also called Green Human Resource Management. In construction sector we have the various categories of employees from Top Management to Bottom management. Bottom management is most dominated or most underestimate level of organization, where most of the times we are not focusing on bottom management which is backbone of every company after Top management. The activity of HRM is also affecting the productivity of labour. This paper is a review work for identification of factors affecting on productivity of labour as well focus on concept of Labour friendly human recourse management.
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