Survey on Privacy Preservation of Item sets Mining in data mining


  • Ms. Suman Ahlawat Research Scholar in Singhania University, Jhunjhunu
  • Dr. Anoop Sharma Dean Dept. of CS and IT , Singhania University, Jhunjhunu
  • Dr. Aman Jain Professor in Maharishi Arvind Institute of Science and Management, Jaipur


Data Mining, Association Rule Mining, Itemset Mining, Utility Mining


Data mining denotes to knowledge mining or extracting from huge amounts of data. Discovering association rules are at the heart of data mining. Mining of suggestioninstructionsamong items in huge database of tradesconventions has been acceptedsuch as an mainspace of database investigation.Extracting meaningful information plays an important role in the mining process. More accurate data can give better result. Solitudeprotection of gainful items is toorequired. We have presented the simple data mining; efficacy mining, unusual item fixed mining and repeated item fixed mining. A brief numerous algorithm overview and methods defined in various research papers has been provided in this paper.


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How to Cite

Ms. Suman Ahlawat, Dr. Anoop Sharma, & Dr. Aman Jain. (2020). Survey on Privacy Preservation of Item sets Mining in data mining. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 11(2), 140–145. Retrieved from



Original Research Article