A global perspective on the marketing mixture across time and place


  • Mr. Sunil Narwal Assistant Professor Pt. CLS Govt College Karnal


marketing mix, brand image, marketing strategy, education services


Learn how the marketing mix and brand image may work together to promote Islamic schools' instructional offerings in this insightful essay. The approach was inspired by the need to establish Islamic schools that can compete on the global stage. With the world becoming a smaller place, parents are more discerning than ever when selecting a school for their children. The marketing of educational services that is both efficient and effective benefits all parties concerned. When used as part of a larger marketing plan, the marketing mix and brand image may pique consumer interest in educational services and ultimately lead to a rise in enrollment numbers. Thus, a comprehensive literature search was conducted. Results from a number of Islamic educational institutions demonstrated that the application of marketing mix and brand image has an effect on the attitudes and preferences of the community at large, particularly the Muslim community, which includes people from both more traditional and more modern backgrounds and who are the services' intended consumers.


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How to Cite

Mr. Sunil Narwal. (2020). A global perspective on the marketing mixture across time and place. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 11(2), 135–139. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1123



Original Research Article