Detection of Burglar and Password Security Through Honeywords With IP Blocking


  • Ujwal Malik B.E. Student, Department of Computer Science
  • Akshay Ilkar B.E. Student, Department of Computer Science
  • Amit Dharmik B.E. Student, Department of Computer Science
  • Tauqir Ali Sayyad B.E. Student, Department of Computer Science
  • Prof. Mohammad Sajid Assistant Proferssor, Department of Computer Science


tweaking, chaffing, mechanism, Honeywords


This abstract presents the work related to the password security. The presented work consists of two main parts. The first part is related to the generation of Honeywords and the second part is associated with IP blocking.
For the first part of generation of Honeywords, we will use the method of chaffing-by-tail-tweaking method in which the last t positions of password are chosen and are altered. Using this mechanism, Honeywords are generated.
For the second part of IP blocking, we have to first log the IP of the user to monitor its activity and based on that we can choose whether to block the IP or not. For logging the IP, we have to use environment variables of the server.


A. Juels and R.L. Rivest, “Honeywords: Making Password Cracking Detectable”, In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on Computer & communication security, p. 145-169, November 2013.

Brown and Kelly, “The dangers of weak hashes”, SANS Institute Infosec Reading Room, November 2013.

C. Sharma and S.C. Jain, “Analysis and classification of SQL injection vulnerabilities and attacks on web applications”, 2014 International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology Research, August 2014




How to Cite

Ujwal Malik, Akshay Ilkar, Amit Dharmik, Tauqir Ali Sayyad, & Prof. Mohammad Sajid. (2020). Detection of Burglar and Password Security Through Honeywords With IP Blocking. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 11(2), 1–3. Retrieved from



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