
  • Mangat Ram


Victims,, Inhibitor,, Suicidal Ideation,, Violation,


Suicidal thoughts are emerged from emotional factors. Suicidal thoughts refer to make end of life.Suicidal thoughts are connected with the circumstances of life. A number of students commit suicide due to nonattainment of their goals, family problems, and social and economic concerns. In the present study a sample of 97 prospective teachers was studied. It was found that there wasan average level of Suicidal thoughts among prospective teachers. It was found that there were no significant differences in suicidal thoughts based on Gender, Locality, and stream.


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How to Cite

Ram, M. (2021). A STUDY OF SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AMONG PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS OF CHANDIGARH. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 12(1), 165–171. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/110



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