An Analysis of the Different Types of Financial Management and Their Purposes


  • Dr. Anil Raipuria Associate professor Head, Department of commerce J.S. Hindu (PG) college, Amroha.


Financial management, Corporate finance, Personal finance, Public finance, International finance


The process of planning, organising, directing, and managing a company or organization's financial operations is referred to as financial management. It entails the management of a company's financial resources in order to meet the aims and objectives of the business. Different kinds of financial management are distinguishable from one another on the basis of the goals and concerns they address. offers an examination of the many approaches to financial management as well as the reasons behind each one. The process of strategically planning, organising, managing, and monitoring a company's financial resources in order to fulfil the company's goals and objectives is referred to as financial management. It is an effective approach for maintaining control over the many financial operations that a firm engages in, such as the purchase of money, the use of funds, accounting, the processing of payments, and the assessment of risk. In the context of this definition, the phrase financial management refers to a subfield of management that focuses on an organization's financial resources and how they are managed. Because it guarantees the supply of gasoline of a high quality and maintains a constant level of service, practising prudent financial management is an absolute need for the successful operation of a firm.


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How to Cite

Dr. Anil Raipuria. (2020). An Analysis of the Different Types of Financial Management and Their Purposes. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 11(1), 122–128. Retrieved from



Original Research Article