Role Of Self Help Groups In Woman Empowerment


  • Dr. Rajesh Kumar Agarwal M.Com., M.Phil; Ph.D. Associate Professor(Commerce), V.S.P. Govt P.G. College, Kairana, ( Shamli) (U.P.)


Self help groups, women empowerment, Socio-economic development


Self help groups are small group of people who help each other to solve their problems. Women used to join the group only with the spirit of saving. But now in the meetings of the women's group, apart from saving, the problems of rural women and their development have also started to be discussed. Self-help groups are making an important contribution in the empowerment of women because working in these groups increases their self-respect, pride and self-reliance. As a result the capabilities of women increase. Today, India occupies a top position in the field of self-help groups run by women all over the world, but the social, cultural, administrative, political and economic conditions of our country pose many challenges in the mobility, viability and feasibility of women's groups.


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How to Cite

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Agarwal. (2016). Role Of Self Help Groups In Woman Empowerment. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 7(9), 213–221. Retrieved from



Original Research Article