A Review of Adjustment and Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students of Working and Non- Working Women


  • DR. Hindurao R. Gharpankar


Adjustment,, Health,, Responsibilities,, Working mothers,, Non-Working mothers


Home adjustment focuses on family relationships. It has been determined how much joy he derives from his home, the number of responsibilities he has in his entire life, and his lifetime of misery. When it comes to adjustments to one's wellbeing, health conditions are dealt with like pain and other maladies. It relates to how well known he is, his amount of involvement in various social events, the size of his community, how socially active he is, and so on. creativity focuses on whether the individual is able to show their feelings in a way that's suitable for you Besides, his mental health is also needs to be verified, as well. the basic human method of adjustment It is not confined to any particular time frame, but it encompasses all, or spans the duration of your life. All living beings, from amoebaean to humans, encounter conditions in which they cannot get everything they want or get immediately


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How to Cite

Gharpankar, D. H. R. (2021). A Review of Adjustment and Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students of Working and Non- Working Women. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 12(1), 114–120. Retrieved from https://jrps.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/103



Original Research Article