Construction and demolition waste: A Review


  • Geeta Singh


Construction,, demolition,, waste,, material,


Construction and demolition waste in our society is a growing commodity. The capacity to make effective use of this would not only boost the environmental effect in terms of the protection of raw materials and geological landscape, but also increase economic and social sustainability. A good technical knowledge of how CDW can be recovered and transformed into useful items is important in order to accomplish this. The processing of recycled aggregates (RAs) and their subsequent applications is of great importance in the construction of the CDW recovery. Whenever construction and demolition activities take place such as construction roads, bridges, fly over, subway, remodels, etc., construction and demolition waste is generated. It primarily consists of inert and non-biodegradable materials including concrete, plaster, metals, wood and plastics. Any of these waste enters the municipal stream.


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How to Cite

Singh, G. (2021). Construction and demolition waste: A Review. International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar, 12(2), 14–19. Retrieved from



Original Research Article